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"The Life You've Seen Is Not The One You Have to Live"

How to Work With Me



Julia Pho

"It was great to work with Linda. I got to dig into patterns that I've held onto in relationships that I didn't even know were there until she saw it and brought it to light.

By having that level of awareness and light shone on what I was dealing with, we got to work through it and increase my confidence in who I am and what I bring to the table in relationships.

I can see why I created those patterns, how they helped me, and that I no longer need them to move forward with my next relationship.

Thanks Linda!"

Get Your Hands On My Latest Book!


If You're Ready to...

  • Discover new ways to cope with stress with healthy habits & tools

  • Release self-judgments to uncover your beauty 

  • Boost your self-confidence in more ways than one

  • Recharge your body, mind & soul within minutes 

  • Practice self-care with words, actions & thoughts

  • Fall in love with your mornings again 

  • Kick-start your new year before everyone else

  • And so much more!


Hello Life Traveler, 

I'm Linda Xochitl, I go by both. I'm in my early 40's and by 23 I thought I'd be a millionaire in my real estate career. I couldn't conform to a 9 to 5 job in an office. Nor could I sustain my lifestyle and pay my bills when the market crashed in 2008.

I felt trapped, like if I was having a mid life crisis before 30. 


It turns out, there was so much more to learn, teach and so many places I'd be called to travel.


What I thought was my story of disaster actually turned into me becoming a master of my life. I now help others co+create a life better than imagined & how to live an inspiring, authentic, orgasmic & intentional life.


I'm fascinated with hearing my client's stories and more so with teaching them to expand their mindset, communicate authentically (in all relationships) & master their money.


My mission is to teach the unawakened masters to co+create a life better than imagined so that they can own their power, take action & pursue their dreams as Leaders in their life, family, communities and  the world by living authentically, & walking their talk.


i Dare You

...To Take the Next Steps to Your Inspiring, Authentic, Intentional & Orgasmic Life

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